Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Technology, New Lifestyle

By: Rebcas R.

Living in the present time is apparently different compared to the past. We are so busy today and always being challenged on the things we choose considering the reality of choices which could be numbered into billions. The varied informations we face everyday made us think well on what to accept and on what to neglect or reject. Wrong choice may mean wrong path to go through. In the past, living is just simple, informations were considerably accepted as important and useful without the difficulty of thinking and scrutinizing. The words of the kings, queens, leaders, heads, pharaohs, and the ancient conquerors were information of commands and powers that there was only the need to follow - the opportunity to choose was just easy or it was alright not to choose at all because those in power were given the opportunity to generally choose for their people.

As time goes on, the challenges of living are becoming individualistic and basically democratic in nature. Education makes us think freely on what is really good for each of us which led to and continually leading to inventions and would be leading to more inventions as the general freedom enjoyed by the mind and heart of an individual has been given more emphasis.

However, the truthfulness of the saying "no man is an island" is always existing as a progressive and result-oriented individual usually joins in partnership with other individuals of same or related specialization and field. Thus, inventions became more complicated and more useful and giving more time for us to relax and do other things. In less time, we can do more and even duplicate what we are doing more. We can even compute millions of numbers in less time. The genius mind of each individual in a certain specialization joined with other genius minds of other individuals resulted to things (equipments, machines, and the like) which are highly technological by nature - one great example then is the invention of computer with its high-leveled latest versions that is continuously being upgraded every now and then.

The invention of computer has changed the world. Through the computer, other more complicated yet practically useful inventions are invented. It is changing the lifestyle of the world. If a person is not computer-literate at present, it is very difficult for him or her to be progressive. Consequently, the young people of today improve their computer-literacy through formal or non-formal education with the awareness of the reality that a computer is becoming all-in-one appliance - a game machine, a research equipment, an audio-visual appliance, etc.

My computer literacy has been boosting my sense of professionalism. Though I did not get a course on computer in my college days, I learned more from my friends who had finished their computer courses and from my hands-on experiences using a second-hand computer I bought in an installment basis. I did not see the importance of computer literacy before, because the purchase I made was just "for the sake of friendship". But such second-hand computer had led and has been leading me to a new lifestyle of the modern era. I can do complicated things now in less time. I can get information now in whatever part of the world in less time because of the help of internet wherein billions of computers are running and linking smoothly in the web. This could be the reason why I like sci-fi movies and I'm fun of predicting what would possibly happen in the future considering the inventions and situations of today.

Yes, new inventions are correlating with new lifestyles, but, I never forget the nice culture of the past. I just consider a timely revision of lifestyles. I don't forget and change something in the past that molded me to be here in the present highly technological world. Still I am the master of the machine, just like you. Our computers are just our slaves or instruments to mingle with people around the world in the digital highway of so numerous audio-visual information. Hence, to have a computer later with more upgraded features is one of my target now so that I could enjoy and communicate well locally and internationally.

Thank God for He is the same now, today, and tomorrow. Thanks to the inventors for making lives worthwhile. Thanks to "google.com" and the related links and servers for this opportunity. Thanks for the technological endeavors we have now and the years to come...

By: Rebcas R.

We have a very busy world now. The competitions around made each of us strive to achieve something, practically, to survive. Movements among us are so observable in different fields of endeavors. It seems that one false move would mean something: failure to feed oneself and family with enough nourishment; struggle for a more challenging problems; and dilemma on what to do next and where to go. Our being busy then is reflecting the vision we have of the future.

Our being busy is motivated by our aim to have more money through which other reasons could be derived. The philosophies of the present world would generally say that having more money would mean more power, more friends, and more of everything we like. Thus, whatever is the status and monetary situation of a person - rich or poor - there is something that really motivates us to be motivated to gain or to have more money.

This is happening to me. I am working hard to have more money though money for me is just secondary. I am teaching part-time to two schools and hired as a casual employee in a certain government institution - giving my best with the spirit of dedication to help build the youth of today and to indirectly exemplify a life of service to the public in general. But it seems that I am facing a giant scenario of indirect injustices wherein the idea of being used subjectively hurt my innermost drive to give my best. I do three things at a time in a day just to gain money for my family to survive.

My qualifications would certainly say that I can be one of the best regular employees but nobody seems to worry on this matter - competition with a shadow of favoritism is then crippling the good system of governance in our country.

But this is my life, that despite of all the efforts I made, I am just giving my best without justifiable results in return that could make me assure an enough resources for my family to survive in the basic area of biological needs. I am saying this with the consideration of the material perspective in life. However, the Divine Providence is always there in every moment despite of the scarcity of material things I would like to have. Someday... somehow... I could be victorious in this challenge wherein I need to do three things at a time just to survive... for my family to live a decent life.

I know that competition is always there - dirty or not. But I would always compete well and learn from the humiliating experiences I have. Certainly, I am learning a lot though I am earning not enough money (thus, earning only just to survive). One false move would mean a financial disadvantage for my family and a hindrance for the fulfillment of my dreams. But I need to go on and learn more from the wisdom of being down, of being humiliated, or being treated with indirect injustice.

In the opposite of materialism, I know that I am gaining a lot as long that I could always surpass the levelling of discouragement and regularly build an enormous courage within. Though at this moment I lack the material capacity and just live in basic sustenance, I believe I am building in me a giant reservoir of courage and wisdom that would bring me and my family to a level of success in financial matters in the future and help more people to achieve success in life too - when there is already a real and true opportunity, not a false and destructive opportunity of materialism masked with a smiling and inviting scenario.

Yes, I am doing three things at a time and still suffers financially, but this would build up my self-control, self-discipline, self-dependence, and self-improvement to a higher level wherein the experiences of pains would then be opportunities of gaining for me. I know that as long as I could manage three things at a time, there is something that is enhanced in me despite of financial difficulties - skills in managing more things at a time.

This management skills I am practically enhancing right now, would become a preparation for me by the divine call to be equipped in going towards my destiny in relation and in coordination with the destiny of more people aiming for a better world. It is a preparation for me to handle a bigger financial resources for the common good.

We are together my friends. I am happy to be part of the bloggers as we can certainly express ourselves sincerely and honestly worldwide. More experiences we have, we may have more learnings, thus, more meaningful life...

Why I talk this way would be revealed later as I would continuously reveals my life - a life full of struggles... a life full of abilities and talents going towards still-hiding financial opportunities... and a life of God's blessings.

(Reviewed 10:33 p.m. 23 October 2007)

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